Worksheets for Science

 Worksheets of Science

Topic - Healthy Diet Plan, Balanced Diet

             In this Worksheet of Science you will find Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, True or False type questions that will help you to gain more marks by practising the topic perfectly. 

Worksheets for Science

Multiple Choice Question

1.There are __________ components in a healthy diet. 

(a) two (b) seven (c) ten

2.Carbohydrates are known as __________


(a) energy giving food (b) body building food ( c) protective food

3.The chemical formula of carbohydrates is __________.

(a) (b) (c) (CH20)n 

4.In the chemical structure of carbohydrates, one carbon atom is combined with ______________ molecule of water. 

(a) five (b) three (c) one

5.Glucose, fructose and galactose are _____________.

(a) disachharides (b) oligosachharides (c) monosaccharides

6.Cakes, soda, candies and pastries are examples of __________.

(a) protective foods (b) fried foods (c) processed foods

7.Processed foods are high in _____________.

(a) proteins (b) simple sugars (c) none

8.____________ carbohydrates raise the blood sugar level instantly. 

(a) simple (b) complex (c) both a and b

9.Hypoglycemia refers to fall in ______________ level. 

(a) sugar (b) creatinine (c) ph???? 

10.Saturated fats are generally ____________ at room temperature. 

(a) liquid (b) gases (c)solid

11.___________ fats have low melting points. 

(a) saturated (b) unsaturated (c) none

12.Hydrogenated oils are made by adding ___________ to water. 

(a) carbon (b) oxygen (c) hydrogen

13.Haemoglobin is a ____________ protein. 

(a) hormonal (b) transport (c) structural

14.Pepsin is an ___________ . 

(a) antibody (b) enzyme (c) storage protein

15.Oestoporosis occurs due to lack of ______________.

(a) calcium (b) sulphur (c) iron

Answers - giving food 3.(CH2O)n 5.monosachharides 6.processed foods 7.simple sugars 8.simple 9.sugar 10.solid 11.unsaturated 12.hydrogen 13.transport 14.enzyme 15.calcium

Fill in the blanks

1.Maltose, ____________ and _____________ are disachharides. 

2.Two types of carbohydrates are _____________ and ____________ carbohydrates. 

3.Carbohydrates that are made up of three to ten molecules of sugar are called _____________.

4.Fats are classified as _________________ , diglycerides and _______________.

5.Polyunsaturated fats increase the level of _____________.

6.There are mainly ___________ types of proteins. 

7._____________ protect our body from foreign invaders.

8.Ovalbumin is a ____________ protein. 

9.Deficiency of proteins causes a disease called _____________ in children. 

10.Imbalance of electrolytes such as sodium in the body causes ____________.

Answers -1. lactose, sucrose 2.simple, complex 3.oligosachharides 4.monoglycerides, triglycerides 5.HDL 7.Antibodies 9.kwashiorkar  10.hyponatremia

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.Too much white sugar and processed foods are bad for health. 

2.In ketosis, the body burns carbohydrates for energy. 

3.Omega-3 fatty acids increase the level of triglycerides in the body. 

4.Storage proteins provide shape and strength to various parts of the body. 

5.Vitamin K helps in the process of blood clotting. 

6.We can store water soluble vitamins in our body. 

7.Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. 

8.Deficiency of floride causes tooth decay. 

9.Insoluble roughage forms a gel which slows down digestion. 

10.Sodium maintains fluids inside and outside the cells. 

Answers - 1.True 2.False 3.False 4.False 5.True 6.False 7.True 8.True 9.False 10.True

                Please comment if this Worksheet about Science helped you anyway in memorizing the given subject matter. You are most welcome to give your suggestions if you want any other type of format of worksheets or if you want any Worksheets for Science on any topic. 

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